Take a Chance on 3 Self-Care Moves

Do these moves to get acquainted with—and even master—the edge of your comfort zone.

By spending time at the edge of your comfort zone, you can get familiar with your body’s response to stress and manage it or even conquer it. Jill Miller, self-care expert and creator of “Treat While You Train,” presents moves to help safely explore some physiological boundaries that heighten our sense of risk in order to understand how to work through those sensations.

To get started, you’ll need one Coregeous Ball and the straw that comes with it.

De-Lump the Lump in Your Throat

Equipment: Coregeous Ball


Over the years of teaching Roll Model Ball release, I have seen people be hesitant at placing the balls in different regions of the body, but the one area that has made my students surprisingly vulnerable is throat work. The yogis believe that this region of our body is where we speak our truth, and if we shield it or refuse to speak up for ourselves, we develop chronic aches and pains or maladies of the neck or even in our voice. This neck release massages the vagus nerve to help you liberate that tension and take the risk of freeing your expressiveness.

Upside-Down Resistance Breath

Equipment: Coregeous Ball, straw


Over the past couple of years, I’ve shared many relaxing breath techniques with you, but this month, I’m sharing a breath that amps you up and stimulates your stress response. It’s risky because it’s not relaxing, but it’s rewarding because it isolates your stress response to give you clear insights into how your body and mind behave when you fuel this part of your physiology. It’s important to recognize that we are as much ourselves when we are amped up and stressed out as we are when we are relaxed and “chill,” without judging one state as better than the other. Sometimes the act of accepting ourselves in either state is as risky as it gets!

One Leg Hip Drunk

Equipment: none


Much of fitness and even yoga is positional and very strict about the expected range of motion. What if you introduced a little bit of controlled chaos into your body and invited yourself to experiment with the biological function of your physique?

Photo Credit: Todd Cribari, inspirostudio.com
Hair and make-up: Mariah Nicole, mariahnicole.com